Jade Pothos: Care & Propagation Guide + 3 Common Problems

Are you looking for a houseplant that can survive anywhere in your home? Then look no further than the Jade Pothos. This tropical vine is perfect for beginners and requires very little maintenance. Plus, it won’t mind low light conditions, which is always a plus if your home doesn’t get enough natural light. 

Let’s closely examine what the Jade Pothos plant needs to grow and stay healthy.

What Is Jade Pothos?

Jade Pothos is a cultivar of the Epipremnum aureum or Devil’s Ivy. It’s one of the oldest and most common pothos varieties. 

This cultivar has solid green leaves with a leathery, slightly waxy texture. While it may not be as showy as other varieties, but the dark green foliage allows it to tolerate low light conditions.  

The botanical name for the Jade Pothos plant is Epipremnum aureum, ‘Jade.’

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Jade Pothos plant or Epipremnum aureum, ‘Jade' on a table in clear vase of water

Quick Glance Chart

Common Name:Jade Pothos
 Botanical Name:Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’
 Plant Family:Araceae family
 Plant Type:Vine, Perennial
 Mature Size:3–6 ft. wide, 20–40 ft. long
 Sun Exposure:Partial Shade, Full sun
Preferred Soil Type:Moist but likes welldrained potting soil
 Soil pH:Neutral to slightly acidic
 Bloom Times:Doesn’t usually flower indoors
 Flower Color/s:None
 USDA Hardiness Zones:10-12 (USDA Zones)
 Native Area/s:South Pacific
Toxicity to Pets/Humans:Toxic to pets and people if ingested

Care Guide

Jade Pothos doesn’t require much in terms of light, temperature, or humidity, and it rarely encounters any serious problems. However, it will need a well-draining soil mix and adequate watering to stay healthy.

Let’s start with the basics.


Jade Pothos is not pretentious about lighting conditions. 

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Has the ability to tolerate lower light conditions, as well as some direct sun. This makes it an excellent plant for any part of your home.

The Jade Pothos is your best choice if you need a trailing plant for a dark room or a home with northern exposure. Its dark green leaves have greater photosynthetic capacity, which allows the plant to produce chlorophyll even in low light. 

But, like most house plants, it prefers bright indirect light. This will help the plant grow faster, produce larger leaves, and also reduce the risk of pests and fungal diseases. 

Sometimes, giving the pothos more light can also result in spontaneous variegation. The plant will produce faint golden or pale yellow streaks, similar to what you’d see on a Golden Pothos.  


Water your plant when the top 2 inches (5 cm) of the soil feel dry to the touch. Use your finger to test if the soil is dry enough. Then water the soil thoroughly and evenly until the water starts dripping through the drainage holes.

The watering schedule for your Jade Pothos depends on the soil mix and also the light. If you keep your pothos in a dark room, you can water it once a month. But a plant that receives bright indirect light will need more frequent watering.  

Jade Pothos is very sensitive to overwatering, especially if it lives in low-light conditions. If the roots constantly sit in water, they will become susceptible to fungal diseases like root rot. Always check the soil with your finger before giving your pothos more water.


Jade Pothos needs a well-draining potting mix to stay healthy. The ideal soil should facilitate drainage but should also retain some moisture. 

You can make your own potting soil for Jade Pothos by combining two parts organic potting mix, one part perlite and one part orchid bark. You can also add a handful of horticultural charcoal to aid filtration and promote root health. 

Avoid planting your Jade Pothos in just universal potting soil. This soil mix is usually a combination of peat moss, compost, and a form of slow-release fertilizer. Sometimes, it will also contain a bit of bark and perlite. 

However, universal potting soil is too dense and will not provide the level of drainage and aeration that a pothos plant needs. 


Jade Pothos grows well in the average home temperature. For best results, aim for a temperature range between 65°F and 85°F (18°C to 29°C). 

You can grow Jade Pothos outdoors in USDA zones 10 to 12. This plant can tolerate temperatures as low as 59°F (15°C). In cooler climates, keep the plant outside throughout summer, then bring it indoors when the weather gets too cold.


Although it’s a tropical plant, Jade Pothos does not need much humidity to thrive. So as long as the humidity in your home does not drop below 40%, it will be perfectly fine. 

If your home becomes too dry, the easiest way to increase humidity for your Jade Pothos is to place it on a pebble tray half-filled with water. 

Alternatively, you can keep your Jade Pothos in a bathroom or a kitchen. These rooms are naturally more humid than the rest of your home, and they will provide the ideal growing conditions for this plant. Just make sure they have a window, and you’ll be all set. 


Jade Pothos is not a heavy feeder but will benefit from regular fertilizer applications. To encourage lush, healthy growth, give it some fertilizer once a month, from spring until early fall. Then, the plant enters a brief period of dormancy in winter, when it won’t need additional feeding. 

You can use any type of foliage houseplant fertilizer for your Jade Pothos. Organic fertilizers such as liquid seaweed, fish emulsion, or worm castings tea are ideal. But, of course, synthetic fertilizers work as well.

When using synthetic fertilizers for your Jade Pothos, always dilute them to half strength or the rate recommended on the label. Also, remember to factor in how much light your plant receives. 

Plants living in low light grow slower and will need less fertilizer. But those kept in bright light have a faster growth rate, and you can fertilize them twice a month. 

Pruning and Maintenance

Jade Pothos needs regular pruning to stay bushy and maintain its shape. You can prune it throughout spring and summer and use the cuttings for propagation. Regularly removing the old or damaged leaves will also improve the plant’s looks. 

Once a week, it is reccomened to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust buildup. This is also an excellent time to check each leaf for pests, especially on the undersides.

Spraying or wiping the leaves with a neem oil solution will also prevent severe pest infestations. Although neem doesn’t kill pests, it helps to deter them.

Once a year, it’s worth flushing the soil of your pothos to prevent fertilizer salts from building up in the soil. Slowly pour water through the soil for about 5 minutes. Let the pot drain for half an hour, then put it back on its stand. 

Repotting Jade Pothos

Jade Pothos has a fast growth rate and needs repotting once every two years. You can tell the plant needs repotting when the roots start coming out from the top and bottom of the container. 

The ideal time to repot pothos is spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. 

If you’ve recently brought a Jade Pothos plant home, wait a couple weeks before repotting it. This will give your new plant time to adjust to its new growing conditions. 

You can then transplant it to a pot one size larger than the nursery pot.

When repotting Jade Pothos, always use a pot with drainage holes at the bottom. Without them, the plant will sit in soggy soil, encouraging root rot. 

Also, avoid using containers that are too large. A pot that is one size or 2 inches (5 cm) wider than the old one is enough. 

Take the pothos out of the pot and gently massage the root ball to untangle the roots. Then fill your new pot with a well-draining soil mix, transplant the pothos, and give it a good watering.


Jade Pothos is easy to propagate using stem cuttings. You can propagate the cuttings in soil, water, or sphagnum moss. They usually grow roots in just three weeks, especially if you’re using water to propagate them. 

When the roots are 2 inches (5 cm) long, your cuttings are ready for planting into the soil. 

Common Problems

Jade Pothos is a hardy indoor plant that shouldn’t give you much trouble. However, here’s what you need to watch out for, just in case.

1.) Pests 

The most common pests for the Jade Pothos plant are spider mites and mealybugs. Both these pests live on the underside of the leaves and can cause yellowing, leaf discoloration, and stunted growth. The easiest way to get rid of them is wiping the leaves with a solution of 1 part 70% isopropyl alcohol and four parts water.

If the top of the soil is constantly damp, it can attract fungus gnats. These small insects look like fruit flies and can be a real nuisance. The most efficient way to eliminate them is by using beneficial nematodes.

2.) Yellowing Leaves

pothos leaves turning yellow and with leaf spot

Jade Pothos leaves can start turning yellow for several reasons. Usually, this results from giving your plant too much or too little water. It can also indicate a pest issue, usually a spider mite or mealybug infestation. But in some cases, yellowing leaves are just an ordinary sign that your plant is aging. 

3.) Browning Leaves

Jade Pothos leaves turning brown or black typically indicate a fungal or bacterial problem. They are a common symptom of Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia root rot, two fungal diseases present in soggy soil with poor drainage. They can also indicate that your pothos is suffering from bacterial wilt or leaf spot, two diseases that unfortunately have no cure. 

In some cases, the leaves of your Jade Pothos can also develop brown, dried edges due to low humidity or too much direct sun exposure. These problems are easy to fix by improving your plant’s growing conditions. 


Is Jade Pothos Toxic?

Jade Pothos leaves and stems contain calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals can cause mouth and throat irritations, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems if ingested.

To prevent accidents, always keep Jade Pothos away from pets such as cats, dogs, and even birds and reptiles.

How Does Jade Pothos Compare To Other Pothos Varieties?

Jade Pothos can look similar to other pothos varieties, such as Golden Pothos or Emerald Pothos. The main difference between them is the coloring. Jade Pothos leaves are entirely green.

On the other hand, Golden Pothos has golden, yellow, and sometimes cream stripes of variegation. Emerald Pothos has light green leaves with dark green patches in the middle.  

What’s the Difference Between Jade Pothos and Heart Leaf Philodendron?

Jade Pothos and Heart Leaf Philodendron are two different plant species. The differences between them are in the leaves and stems, but they also have slightly different care requirements.

The easiest way to tell Jade Pothos and Heart Leaf Philodendron apart is by checking the stem. Heart Leaf Philodendron stems are thinner and more flexible, and they have a small, modified leaf at the base of the leaf node, called a cataphyll. 

The cataphyll covers the leaf bud as it emerges, then it dries and falls off. Jade Pothos does not have cataphylls.  

Jade Pothos leaves are larger, with a shiny look and leathery texture. Heart Leaf Philodendron leaves are more rounded, with a well-defined heart shape, and a smooth, velvety texture. 

Jade Pothos is more drought-tolerant than Heart Leaf Philodendron. You can let the soil of your pothos dry almost halfway before watering it again. Meanwhile, Heart Leaf Philodendron prefers soil that is evenly moist and needs to be watered when the top inch (2.5 cm) of the substrate feels dry to the touch. 

Where Can You Put a Jade Pothos?

Jade Pothos can grow in any room with a window. This plant can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, from low to bright indirect light. Plus, it goes well with any interior decor and other plants in your collection. Here are 20 pothos decoration ideas that will help inspire you.

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Davin is a jack-of-all-trades but has professional training and experience in various home and garden subjects. He leans on other experts when needed and edits and fact-checks all articles.