22 Varieties of Pothos: All Types Explained for Beginners & Avid Collectors + Care Tips

Collecting pothos plants is always exciting as new types are continually being introduced. These new varieties have become incredibly popular, keeping us interested in this fun and versatile species.

But with so many types of pothos available, it can take a lot of work to keep track of them all. To help, here is a list of the 22 most popular pothos varieties, including tips on identifying and caring for them.

22 Epipremnum Pothos Varieties

Here are the 22 best-known types of pothos, starting with the oldies but goldies

1. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

golden pothos plant by a window.

Golden pothos or Devil’s Ivy is the most common type of pothos. It has been a popular houseplant since the 1950s, and today, when you hear the name “pothos,” this cultivar is the most likely to come to mind. As it’s commonly found at garden nurseries.

Its yellow variegation creates a striking contrast with the dark green foliage and will become more defined when the plant receives plenty of light. 

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Leaf color: Dark green with bright yellow variegation. Occasionally, it can also display cream or almost white stripes.

Light requirements: Can tolerate all light conditions but needs bright indirect light to maintain variegation.

Growth rate: Fast.

2. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

holding up a marble queen pothos plant.

Marble Queen Pothos is an unpatented cultivar that also enjoys widespread popularity. It looks similar to the Golden pothos but displays deeply variegated leaves, with cream, white, and sometimes light green variegation.

One thing that makes Marble Queen Pothos genuinely fascinating is that the variegation can vary dramatically from one leaf to the other.

This plant has also been used in breeding programs to create several pothos cultivars, such as Pearls and Jade.

Leaf color: Green with white or cream variegation.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

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Growth rate: Medium, but can grow faster if provided with enough light.

3. Snow Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Snow Queen’)

snow queen pothos plant leaf

Snow Queen Pothos is the more variegated cousin of the Marble Queen. The two cultivars look similar, but the Snow Queen can develop almost entirely white, or cream leaves with just a few green stripes and splashes.

Because it produces less chlorophyll, this variety has a slow growth rate and needs plenty of light to maintain its variegation. 

Leaf color: Green with lots of white variegation. 

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

4. Neon Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Neon’)

neon pothos plant

An absolute show-stopper, Neon pothos proves that you don’t need variegation to stand out. Instead, this cultivar combines all the key features that ensure it will never fall out of style: low maintenance, fast growth, and eye-catching foliage.

Hardy and adaptable, it needs bright light to keep the vibrant, neon green leaf color. 

Leaf color: Neon green, lime, or bright yellow-green. Neon pothos leaves can occasionally develop dark green or yellow/cream splashes, especially around the edges. This coloring is unstable, and the newer leaves will revert to the standard neon green. 

Light requirements: Bright indirect, can also tolerate medium light.

Growth rate: Fast, but will grow slower in low light conditions.

5. Pearls and Jade Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Pearls and Jade’)

pearls and jade pothos plant on a wooden table.

Pearls and Jade pothos is a patented version of the Marble Queen. The variegated leaves look similar to those of a Manjula or a N’Joy. But unlike other different types of pothos, this one was given a helping hand in developing its iconic leaf shape and color. 

This cultivar was developed in the laboratories of the Division of Plant Industry in Florida (University of Florida), where scientists exposed an unassuming Marble Queen Pothos to gamma-ray radiation.

This led to mutations in the plant tissue, and, one year later, the Pearls and Jade Pothos was officially born.

If you think about it, that’s pretty much how The Hulk was created, which makes Pears and Jade the superhero of the pothos world (without the superpowers, unfortunately).  

Leaf color: Dark green and silvery green with white or cream variegation around the edges and green splashes or stripes on the white sections.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

6. Glacier Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Glacier’)

glacier pothos plant njoy

Glacier Pothos is an unpatented cultivar, and its exact origins are unclear. This variety looks very similar to the pothos N’Joy, but it has more rounded leaves. Costa Farms used to sell this cultivar a few years ago, but they are no longer growing it.

As a result, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a reputable seller for this rare plant.  

Leaf color: Green with white and mint green or silvery green streaks without marbling. 

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

7. Jessenia Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Jessenia’)

jessenia pothos plant in white pot

Jessenia Pothos is a cultivar discovered by Costa Farms in 2014. It looks similar to Marble Queen, but it has light green or chartreuse variegation and a distinctive dark green midrib vein.

Fun and easy to care for, this rare pothos variety is well worth keeping an eye out for. 

Leaf color: Green with light green or chartreuse variegation.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

8. Pothos Shangri La (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Shangri La’)

sleeping shangri la pothos plant in pot

Also called Sleeping pothos, this is by far the most unique-looking pothos variety. The leaves are rolled up and have a ribbed texture, giving them the appearance of wilted spinach.

Unfortunately, Shangri La Pothos is a rare cultivar, making it more expensive. But if you can get your hands on a specimen, you’ll find that it’s a very easy-to-care-for plant.

Leaf color: Dark green. Occasionally, the leaves can display yellow or white variegation.

Light requirements: Low to medium. 

Growth rate: Slow to medium.

9. Global Green Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Global Green’)

global green pothos plant in basket pot

Global Green Pothos is a patented cultivar developed in Japan, and it’s grown exclusively by Costa Farms. Its rounded leaves have a lightly crumpled texture, with lighter green splashes of variegation. It was once a rare pothos variety, but its rise in popularity among collectors has made it easier to buy it.  

Leaf color: Dark green with yellow-green or olive-green variegation patches in the center.

Light requirements: Medium to bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

10. Emerald Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum ‘Emerald’)

Emerald pothos with green leaves in a pot.

Emerald Pothos is a cultivar that looks very similar to Global Green. But upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that the two plants have different variegation: Emerald Green has variegated edges, while Global Green is variegated in the center of the leaf.  

Leaf color: Light green with shades of dark green splashes in the center.

Light requirements: Medium to bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

11. Jade Pothos(Epipremnum Aureum ‘Jade’)

jade pothos

At first glance, Jade Pothos may seem like the ugly duckling of the Epipremnum aureum cultivars. Its heart-shaped, monochrome leaves make it look like a cultivar that has reverted to all-green foliage.

But therein lies its strength: Jade Pothos is ideal for homes with very little natural light. This timeless classic requires minimal maintenance and is a go-to plant if you’re still developing a green thumb. 

Leaf color: Dark to medium green. On rare occasions, the leaves can also display faint yellow variegation.

Light requirements: Low to bright indirect light.

Growth rate: Fast, but will grow slower in low light conditions.

Here are six of the most popular Epipremnum pinnatum varieties.

12. Dragon’s Tail Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Dragon Tail’)

dragon tail pothos plant in a white pot.

Dragon Tail pothos is the most common cultivar of the Epipremnum pinnatum plant. It’s also known as the “green form”, with monochrome dark to medium green leaves.

Adaptable and easy to care for, this plant can easily grow 1 foot (30 cm) in size per year. However, it can become leggy if grown in low light conditions, and its leaves will quickly reduce in size if not provided with something to climb on.

Leaf color: Dark to medium green.

Light requirements: Low to bright indirect light.

Growth rate: Fast.

13. Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Albo-Variegata’

Epipremnum pinnatum albo pothos plant leaf on wood table.

Epipremnum Pinnatum’ Albo-Variegata’ is the variegated version of Dragon Tail Pothos. It’s one of the rarest varieties of Epipremnum pinnatum, and mature, fenestrated specimens can sell for hundreds of dollars.

So giving this pothos a moss pole is a must, especially if you want to maintain its distinctive leaf shape and size.

Leaf color: Green with white variegation.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

14. Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’)

cebu blue pothos plant

Cebu Blue Pothos is native to Cebu Island in the Philippines. This gorgeous variety has narrow, silvery blue-green leaves, which develop fenestrations (natural splits in the leaves) when the plant is allowed to climb. Cebu Blue was a veritable sensation a few years ago when it was a very rare find.

This plant is still a bit more expensive today than other pothos cultivars, but getting your hands on one is no longer a challenge. 

Leaf color: Silvery green.

Light requirements: Low to bright indirect light.

Growth rate: Fast.

15. Baltic Blue Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Dragon Tail’)

baltic blue pothos plants

Another Costa Farms staple, Baltic Blue Pothos, is one of the newest Epipremnum pinnatum cultivars. It boasts dark green leaves with a bluish tint, which develop splits or fenestrations even at a young age.

Unpretentious and fast-growing, you can grow it as a trailing or hanging plant. But if you want to maintain the leaf fenestrations, giving it something to climb on is a must. 

Leaf color: Dark blue-green.

Light requirements: Low to bright indirect light.

Growth rate: Fast.

16. N’Joy Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘NJOY’)

pothos n joy plant on a table

Although it looks very similar to Pearls and Jade Pothos, the pothos n joy is a patented cultivar of the Epipremnum pinnatum plant. It was discovered by plant breeder Ashish Arvind Hansoti in 2002 in a commercial greenhouse in Mumbai.

The N-Joy pothos is one of the slowest growing pothos varieties, with small leaves, small space between leaf nodes, and compact growth habit.  

Leaf color: Dark green with white and silvery green variegation.  

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

17.) Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum ‘Manjula’)

close view of Manjula pothos plant leaves.

Manjula Pothos is another patented cultivar discovered by plant breeder Ashish Arvind Hansoti in India in 2010. It is a variety of the Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Compacta’ plant and displays round leaves with ruffled edges and deeply contrasting variegation.

You can keep it as a hanging plant or, for larger leaves, encourage it to climb a pole.

Note: Manjula is often confused with Harlequin Pothos. Some people think it’s the same variety as Manjula Pothos, others think it’s a highly variegated form of Manjula, and others believe it is a different variety altogether. 

There is little information out there to untangle its ancestry. Still, whatever it might be, Harlequin Pothos (or scientific name: Epipremnum aureum ‘Harlequin’) is a gorgeous plant that will brighten up any indoor space.

Leaf color: Cream or white with dark green, silvery green, mint green stripes, and speckles of variegation.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Slow.

18. Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble

Epipremnum pinnatum Marble pothos plant

Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble is one of the hottest indoor plants at the moment. This rare pothos cultivar, affectionately called Marble King by its fans, hasn’t been on the market for long.

Yet already, it’s become a must-have for collectors and houseplant enthusiasts.

Leaf color: Leaves are highly variegated, usually white or pale cream, with a few splashes of green marbling. Sometimes, the leaves can display half-moon variegation, with half of the leaf being solid green.  

Light requirements: Bright indirect light.

Growth rate: Slow.

Here are the three best-known different kinds of pothos Scindapsus pictus variations.

19. Scindapsus Pictus ‘Argyraeus’

silver or satin pothos plant close up.

Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ is the most common Silver Satin Pothos cultivar. It has small, heart-shaped leaves with silver splashes of variegation. The name “Argyraeus” derives from Greek, meaning “silvery.”

This cultivar is fast-growing and unpretentious but can develop increasingly smaller leaves if left trailing in a pot or hanging basket for more than two years.

Leaf color: Dark to medium green with silvery variegation.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Fast, but will grow slower in low light conditions.

20. Scindapsus Pictus’ Silvery Ann’

scindapsus pictus silvery ann satin pothos plant in a pot.

Silvery Ann is the “big sister” of the Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ cultivar. The two varieties may look similar, but there are some subtle differences. Silvery Ann has larger leaves with a lighter, almost silvery green color. In addition, it has thicker clusters of variegation, most noticeably around the leaf edges.

Silvery Ann is also rarer than the Argyraeus, and a bit more expensive. 

Leaf color: Light, silvery green with silvery variegation, especially around the edges. 

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

21. Scindapsus Pictus ‘Exotica’

small scindapsus pictus exotica plant.

The Scindapsus Pictus ‘Exotica’ cultivar is the largest of the trio. Unlike Argyraeus and Silvery Ann, it has large, oval-shaped leaves, thicker stems, and large splashes of variegation. The leaf is usually more green in the middle, with highly variegated edges. To maintain variegation and leaf size, always keep it in bright indirect light. 

Leaf color: Jade or mint green with large silver splashes and speckles. 

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

22. Epipremnum amplissimum ‘Silver Streak’

silver streak pothos plant
Insta: @maranta_ceae

The Silver Streak pothos has long lance-shaped leaves that never fenestrate. They are unusually colored with bluish-green stripes that shine silver when the plant is young, but as it matures, it loses its silvery stripes and becomes all green.

Leaf color: Green with bluish-green stripes that shine silver, then turn green.

Light requirements: Bright indirect.

Growth rate: Medium.

More Info on All The Primary Epipremnum Types

11 Epipremnum Aureum Types of Pothos

The Epipremnum aureum cultivars are best described as the classic variety of pothos. Most of them are descendants of the Golden pothos and share a few features in common: 

  • Large, rounded leaves that taper to a pointed tip. 
  • Leaves that produce fenestrations when the plant reaches maturity and vines start climbing. 
  • Fast growth rate.
  • Jumping genes, which result in naturally-occurring mutations and unique leaf patterns or coloring.

7 Epipremnum Pinnatum Kinds of Pothos

The Epipremnum pinnatum cultivars showcase an eclectic mix of foliage features. The original species differs from Epipremnum aureum due to its elongated, pointed foliage and slower growth rate.

The name “pinnatum” derives from the Latin word “pinna”, which means “feather.” The name’s significance becomes apparent when the plant reaches maturity, and the leaves develop dramatic feather-like splits or fenestrations.  

Most Epipremnum pinnatum types of pothos display these leaf features. But thanks to selective breeding programs, some cultivars look nothing like the original. Instead, they strike a deceptive similarity to those of the Epipremnum aureum plant. 

3 Scindapsus Pictus Pothos Types

The name “pothos” is usually reserved for plants in the Epipremnum genus. In the past, the name was applied liberally to several other plants that are now classified in the genus Monstera, Philodendron, or Raphidaphora. However, “pothos” is still used as a common name for several species in the Scindapsus genus — the best known as the Scindapsus pictus.

Also known as Satin Pothos, “Trebi Pothos” or Silver PothosScindapsus pictus plants look very little like the classic pothos varieties. In fact, they’re more similar to Monstera dubia, with their rounded, heart-shaped leaves and shingling growth habit.

Their variegation is a blistering type resulting from air pockets within the leaf tissue that gives a shimmering glow when the light hits them.  

The best way to describe the leaves of a Satin Pothos is by comparing them to a baby deer or a fawn. They have a smooth, velvety texture with silvery-white speckles. And the comparison doesn’t end there.

As the leaves mature, they will lose their velvety texture and variegation and become plain green, with a matte finish and well-defined fenestrations.

Final Thoughts on Pothos Plant Varieties

It’s difficult to tell how many pothos varieties exist. Dozens of Epipremnum varieties are available for sale across the world. Some are stand-alone species, some are patented cultivars, some are just names invented by plant sellers, and some varieties are still in the making. 

As you’re reading this, a pothos plant is mutating and developing a new leaf pattern. That mutation may turn out to be stable. With any luck, a plant breeder will notice it and start propagating it as a new cultivar. And that plant will become the latest pothos sensation in another five years. 

In the meantime, these 21 pothos varieties will keep you busy growing and expanding your houseplant collection. 


In the patent documentation, the Manjula and N’Joy Pothos species are both listed as Epipremnum pinnatum cultivars. The N’Joy plant patent lists Marble Queen as its parent plant. The botanical name for the Marble Queen Pothos is Epipremnum aureum’ Marble Queen’, although some sources list Epipremnum pinnatum’ Marble Queen’ as an accepted synonym. 

Epipremnum pinnatum and Epipremnum aureum were identified as separate species in 1964. Officially, they are not synonyms in botanical nomenclature, which means that the names are not interchangeable. 

We’ve listed Marble Queen Pothos as an Epipremnum aureum cultivar based on its mature leaf shape and growth habit to keep things simple. The Manjula and N’Joy are listed as Epipremnum pinnatum cultivars in accordance with their respective patents.






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Davin is a jack-of-all-trades but has professional training and experience in various home and garden subjects. He leans on other experts when needed and edits and fact-checks all articles.