Trends come and go, but some should definitely stay gone. Sometimes it’s a mystery as to why trends even rose to popularity in the first place.
Whatever the case, as 2024 kicks into summer, take a look around your home and make sure you don’t have any of these interior design trends in your home anymore. Your friends will thank you.
1. Animal Print
Now that it’s 2024, we can finally admit that animal print is way too cheesy to be relevant.
2. Mass-Produced Furniture/Art
Target prints are cute until you’ve seen them in three of your friend’s houses. Mass-produced art is great for people on a budget, but if you’re looking to give your space a more refined, sophisticated feel, go for unique art pieces that represent your personal style.
3. Pastel Rooms
Pastel bathrooms were fun in the 80s, but now it’s time to leave the trend where it was born. Pastel colors, particularly green, can give rooms a sickly, washed-out vibe.
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4. Carpet in Bathrooms
Aside from the obvious water-damage implications, carpeted bathrooms just aren’t a good look anymore. They have zero function and very little if any, aesthetic.
5. Art With Words
The “Live, Laugh, Love” phase is officially over. No one wants to see mass-produced Hobby Lobby words hung all over your house. It went from trendy to tacky real fast.
6. Matching Everything
Blue curtains, blue couches, blue rugs, blue everything. Not as cute as you think. Contrast is a real thing and should be utilized.
7. Wood Furniture Overload
If every major piece of furniture in your living room is made using pine wood, you need to hire an interior designer immediately. All wood furniture went out of style nearly a decade ago (think 70s), time to catch up.
8. Vertical Blinds
Unless you live in a low-rent apartment, there should be no reason to have vertical blinds in your home. They’re tacky, they break easily, and they’re loud if there’s a fan blowing directly onto them.
9. Popcorn Ceilings
Popcorn ceilings are a relic that people seem oddly hesitant to let go of. If you switch to a smoother material, your trypophobic friend will likely visit more often.
10. Fake Fruit
It’s cute, it’s colorful, but do you really want to have to dust each individual piece? Didn’t think so. Let’s leave fake fruit in the 90s where it belongs.
11. All White Kitchens
Do you want to know what’s hot in kitchen design? Well, it seems that white kitchens are becoming a thing of the past, as the younger generation opts for bold and colorful kitchen designs instead.
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12. Bye Boho
We’ve got an unpopular opinion in the world of interior design. It turns out that the boho style, which has been all the rage with its macramé wall hangings and abundant plant life, has reached its peak and is now on the way out.
13. Rustic Barn Doors
Ah, the sliding barn door – a staple of farmhouse style that’s been all the rage for some time now. But as trends come and go, it looks like the popularity of this design might be slowing down.
Although – just because it’s not the hottest trend anymore doesn’t mean it’s not still a great addition to your home.
14. Clunky Sofas
It’s time to embrace the curves! Gone are the days of clunky, square sofas that were popular back in the ’90s La-Z-Boy era.
15. Tile Countertops
While tile countertops may have been all the rage back in the 1970s, it’s time to bid this trend farewell and move on to something more current. Not to mention, tile can be a real hassle to clean, so save yourself the stress.
16. Terrazzo Gone Wild
While it was a popular design choice in the U.S. from the 1930s to the 1990s, and has made a comeback in recent years, we’re willing to bet that it’s going to quickly fall back into “dated” territory before you know it.
17. 80s Lamps
It’s best to bid farewell to the famed Tiffany lamp. Don’t get us wrong, we appreciate the beauty of stained glass, but these lamps can often come off as either overly fussy or stuck in a time warp (we’re looking at you, ’80s bars).
18. Linoleum Flooring
Sure, linoleum is practical and easy to clean, but let’s be real – it’s not the most stylish option out there. So why not go for something that will bring warmth and texture to your home, like wood or tile?
19. Matching Window Treatments
Imagine walking into a room where everything looks like it’s from a different time period. The curtains have the same pattern as the window valances, which matches the furniture perfectly. It’s like you’ve traveled back in time!
20. Tuscan Kitchens
Ah, the early 2000s – a time of frosted tips, low-rise jeans, and…a particular kitchen style. It was all the rage back then, and we can understand why – something is appealing about the warm, cozy feeling of a dark Italian villa. But nowadays, kitchens have a new focus: creating a bright, airy space to whip up your culinary creations quickly.
21. Sponge Painted Walls
Back in the ’90s, homeowners got creative with their home decor, but sometimes that creativity led to some questionable choices. One such choice was the trend of sponge painting, where carefully painted walls were covered in splotchy patterns using a sponge.
22. Lace Doily
Now that we’re talking about creativity let’s talk about those lace doilies. Sure, something is charming about vintage style, but there’s also a point where it crosses over into the territory of “really old school.” And that’s where the lace doilies come in.
23. Ferns Galore
Yes, ferns are fantastic, but they don’t need to be everywhere. Back in the 1990s and 2000s, it seemed like everyone was going green with ferns in every nook and cranny.