The Quest for the World’s Largest Cabbage: From Seed to Record



In this exploration, we focus on the king of the garden, the cabbage, but not just any cabbage – the world’s largest cabbage.

Meet the World’s Largest Cabbage Record Breakers

Scott Robb, an Alaskan with a long history in cabbage growing, currently holds the world record for the largest cabbage.

Scribbled Arrow

Learn more about the World’s Largest Cabbage Record Breakers

His record-breaking world’s largest cabbage, grown in 2012, weighed an astonishing 138.25 pounds, beating the previous record by over 11 pounds.

The competition was fierce, with veteran grower Steve Hubacek’s cabbage missing his previous record by just one pound. However, there’s a new contender on the horizon.

Brian Shunskis, the owner of Salmon Run Farm in Salcha, Alaska, is known for consistently taking top or second place at the Alaska State Fair for the most giant cabbage.

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