Silver Pothos (Scindapsus pictus), also known as Satin Pothos, is a beginner-friendly tropical houseplant with dark green leaves dappled with silvery streaks and splashes.
A tropical vine native to the rainforests of India and Southeast Asia. It was first identified by botanists in 1842, who classified it as a species of pothos and called it Pothos argyraea or Pothos argenteus.
Silvery Ann is the “big sister” of the Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ cultivar. The two varieties may look similar, but there are some subtle differences.
The Scindapsus Pictus ‘Exotica’ cultivar is the largest of the trio. Unlike Argyraeus and Silvery Ann, it has large, oval-shaped leaves, thicker stems, and large splashes of variegation.