Roof Overhang Guide

What It Is

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The term roof overhang is how far the roof’s edge extends over the home’s siding.  The majority of homes have an overhang, but the length can vary dependent on the style of the roof, as some have more extended overhangs.

Why Important?

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An overhanging roofs most important job is to keep water away from the windows, doors, foundation, and siding. While it’s not possible to prevent the rain driven by the wind from getting to your walls, large overhangs on the roof can make a huge impact, especially in the case of just one story beneath the overhang.

Window Shading

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The next main benefit of a roof overhang is controlling window shading.  This is essential.  An adequately sized overhanging roof can make a huge difference in comfort and energy efficiency.  (Read website article for details)

Types of Overhangs

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Frank Lloyd Wright is partly to blame for the popularity of flat roofs. It’s important to note.  However, it’s possible to adapt the contemporary style to allow a roof with ample overhangs.  Which Frank often did quite well. Read more in website article.


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Gable-end overhangs, that is, rake-overhangs, extend up to the top of the roof.  Because the top is far away from the bottom on the wall, they are less effective than other overhangs.


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Pioneered by Frank Lloyd Wright, the cantilever roof overhang is the most advanced.  It will require an experienced structural engineer and home builder as the overhang is built into the structure, usually with steel beams. Then, filled in with wood framing.

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