Monstera juliusii was first described in a 2020 article for Phytotaxa ¹, a botanical taxonomy journal. Before it was identified as a separate variety in 2020, it was often confused with another Monstera variety, M. standleyana.
Monsteras are a family of evergreen vines native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, specifically between Mexico and Panama. They are known for having large, leathery, heart-shaped green leaves.
It stands out for having white-green or mottled leaf stems, a very thick protective covering along the entire leaf length, a feather-like appearance, and a yellowish-green spathe that is white on the inside.
- Potting - Size - Staking - Soil - Watering a Monstera Juliusii - Sun Requirements - Temperature and Humidity - Fertilizer - Potential Pests and Problems - Toxicity / Pets - Pruning and Propagating