Matching Soil & Plants = Thriving Landscape



The soil is where plants are grown. It is made up of little fragments of rock broken off of mountains and other bigger rocks, together with a few pieces of extinct plant and animal life.

Here, dissolved nutrients are absorbed by plant roots and transformed into the plant’s stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit.

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3 Soil Characteristics That Affect Plants

Moisture-Holding Capacity

The size of the rock particles in the soil, also known as texture or moisture-holding capacity, largely determines its moisture-holding capacity.


Acidity or Alkalinity of the Soil

The type of rock primarily governs the acidity of the soil from which it was formed (its parent rock). No matter how much the rock has been broken, split, and continuously crushed, no matter how little its particles become, this original mineral composition still exists in the soil.


Fertility of Soil

The nutrients in the soil (PDF) are measured by their fertility. This comprises macronutrients like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc and micronutrients like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


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