If you’re thinking about growing asparagus, first consider where you’ll plant your asparagus bed. Asparagus is not a fussy plant once well-established. However, it’s essential to choose the right location for your asparagus patch because once you’ve put these plants in the ground, you really shouldn’t move them.
Grow Asparagus from Crown: Crowns are the roots of a 1-2-year-old asparagus plant, attached to a small base from which the sprouts will emerge. Grow Asparagus from Seed: Start your seed trays in February if you’re determined to plant your asparagus from seed.
Once you’ve selected a good location for your asparagus bed, you’ll need to build a trench for your plants. Assuming you’re planting crowns, you can begin this process in March or April (as soon as the soil is easy to work with).