Ladybugs appearance, while often red or orange with black markings, can vary significantly, with some being black with red markings and alligator-like larvae. This diversity in appearance hints at a hidden depth to these beloved beetles, suggesting there’s more to these creatures than meets the eye.
Despite their cute appearance, ladybugs are formidable predators. An adult can consume over 5,000 aphids in its lifetime, significantly impacting the garden ecosystem.
When threatened, ladybugs deploy a surprising defense tactic known as “reflex bleeding.”(ref) They secrete a toxic substance from their leg joints, deterring predators with its off-putting taste and smell.
This species, known as the harlequin ladybird, has established populations in at least 59 countries outside its native range (ref). While it’s a voracious predator of aphids and other pests, its introduction has led to competition with and displacement of native ladybugs.