Grow & Care for Flame Violet Like a Pro



Flame Violet, or Episcia cupreata, is a small understory perennial native to the tropics and subtropics of Central America and northern South America.

Like its cousins in  the Gesneriad family,  such as African Violets, Lipstick Plants, Gloxinias, and Cape Primroses, it makes a beautiful little houseplant that is non-toxic and perfectly safe for people and pets.

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How to Care for Flame Violets


Flame Violets grow as tropical understory plants that receive filtered light through the trees above. As houseplants, they need plenty of indirect light rather than direct sun, which can scorch their leaves.


The ideal temperatures for Flame Violets to grow, bloom, and thrive are between 70 and 80 degrees F, like those in their native tropical habitat. 


The humidity around Flame Violets needs to be 50% or above. Since this is higher than in most households, you’ll need to augment the humidity for them to be happy. Low humidity can cause the edges of the leaves to curl and turn brown.

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