Green Thumb Magic: Gold Dust Croton Plant Care Simplified



Croton varieties flaunt their vivid yellows, oranges, and reds in an array of leaf shapes. My Gold Dust Croton (Codiaeum variegatum ‘Gold Dust’) is a speckled variety that brightens up my office windowsill with a pop of color.

This fun plant displays random yellow spots on its dark green, ovate leaves as if yellow paint had been spattered over the foliage. It makes an eye-catching houseplant or a garden plant for warm climates.

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101 Care Guide For Gold Dust Croton Plants


Crotons like a lot of light. I  have my Gold Dust in a west-facing window where it gets approximately four hours of direct sunlight daily.


Warm temperatures are essential for Croton care. They like temperatures above 60 degrees F and protection from cold drafts.


High humidity is also  important. They do best in humidity above 50%, which is higher than in most households. You can boost the humidity by keeping your plant in an area of the house that has high humidity levels, like in the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room, if there is enough light.

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