Complete Care Guide for Never Never Plant / Ctenanthe Setosa



Ctenanthe species (pronounced ten-AN-thee), Never Never Plants, or Bamburantas are lovely members of the Prayer Plant family, native to Brazil.

Its elegant cultivar, ‘Grey Star,’ has purple stems and undersides and a whisper-thin, green, herringbone pattern on its silver-gray leaves.

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Care For Your Never Never Plant


As rainforest understory plants, Ctenanthes need medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun will burn their sensitive leaves, so keep it in a window with good light, but out of the direct sun’s rays.


Never Never Plants do best in average room temperatures of 60 to 75 degrees F. Temperatures below 60 degrees will harm your plant, and take care to keep it away from cold drafts from winter windows or air conditioner vents.


Humidity is a crucial factor in Ctananthe’s care. They need at least 60% humidity, which is higher than in most households, or their leaves will curl and turn brown.

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