Making your own compost might be intimidating, given the variety of composting methods today. Given how busy we are, it could feel like just one more thing to do.
- Moisture (Same as a Damp Sponge): The key here is for the pile to feel moist, not wet. Saturated soil reduces the amount of air available to the microbes. - Air (Oxygen Is Key): The bacteria in your compost pile use oxygen while they break down the materials in a compost pile.
A balanced compost pile comprises two types of “food,” carbonaceous and nitrogenous. The ratio in your pile is the key when using these two meals. You will always want to aim for thirty parts carbon to one part nitrogen, which is significantly more carbon than nitrogen.
Worms eat a significant portion of the organic matter that has decomposed in good soil on a farm or garden. A worm’s existence consists of eating and passing waste.