Bacterial leaf spot is a general term for infections by various types of bacteria, mainly, Xanthomonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The species, Xanthomonas campestris, is the most common one that infects Pothos.
Bacterial leaf spot pothos lesions usually start as small water-soaked spots, often on the edges of the leaves or between the leaf veins, and may or may not be surrounded by a yellow ring.
If you’re unsure whether your Pothos has a bacterial or fungal infection, you may want to take a leaf sample to your local garden center or horticultural extension agent for diagnosis.
1. Warm, humid, overly wet conditions 2. Poor air circulation around your plant 3. Watering from above and keeping the leaves wet 4. Spreading from an infected plant to your plant by wind or splashes of rain 5. When your plant is already stressed and in a weakened condition.