Few indoor plants can match an Azalea indica in full bloom as a specimen plant. Flowers can range in color from pure white to dull red.
Most of the better plants are created and grown in Belgium before being sold worldwide. Azaleas thrive as flowering shrubs in temperate climate gardens, but they can grow nicely in containers indoors or outside.
Azaleas may be cultivated inside and outdoors, but they require a bright area protected from the hot afternoon sun.
Azaleas require a lot of distilled water during bloom, which should be provided every two days. Never allow a plant to become dry; check on it at least twice every week.
Regular applications of a weak liquid fertilizer can assist in maintaining lush green foliage. Every two weeks, when in bloom, fertilizer should be added to the water.
These plants prefer a slightly acidic soil pH (4-6pH is ideal). If the soil you’re planting Azalea in has a higher pH than 6, you can try adding peat moss or pine needles to make the soil more acidic.