Anthuriums prefer moist, humid, warm circumstances too dry and chilly ones. Numerous anthurium varieties exist, but only three are appropriate for growing as an indoor houseplant.
These three feature broad, arrow-shaped leaves on thin stalks: – Anthurium andraeanum – Anthurium scherzerianum – Anthurium guatemala
Anthuriums all have flowers that remain vibrant and robust for several weeks. But, they're delicate plants that require specialized care
Leaves turning yellow: The plant is too wet and cold, so let it dry out and move to a warmer place. Flower wilting: This frequently happens due to poor conditions, including a cold environment.
During the summer and the primary growing season, keep the plant well-watered. Wintertime necessitates less watering
Anthuriums need plenty of bright light; however, if placed by a window, they must be shielded from the sun’s intensity.