Alocasia Flower: What It Means & How to Get Yours to Blossom



The Alocasia plant is part of the Arum family of herbs originating in Southeast Asia. It was first seen in homes as a houseplant in the 1950s in the US. The arrow-shaped foliate is very large and has significant white veining.

When these plants are in an ideal environment and reach maturity, they will often bloom. We’ll cover the meaning of the Alocasia flower, pollination, and if it’s toxic.

Alocasia Flower Meaning

The Alocasia plant often is referred to as ‘the tree that grows up to the heavens. Often thought of as a version of Jack and the Beanstalk in Eastern and Western countries.

Details About the Alocasia Plant

- Light - Soil - Fertilizer - Temperature - Humidity - Water

Alocasia Flower Pollination

The Alocasia plant is not considered a self-pollinator; therefore, you must use a manual pollination technique to get your plant to reproduce.

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